Teaching our Children about the Five Pillars of Islam
July 13, 2022
As parents, we want to share our love of Islam and all its teachings with our children. We can’t wait to introduce them to the pillars of our faith. Our children, on the other hand, are generally more interested in running races, jumping off the sofa, and catching bubbles. But don’t worry! We have a few ideas about getting them interested in some meaningful conversations...
Talking to Kids about Islam
Firstly, please be assured that you are not failing if you don’t talk non-stop about Islam and the Quran. Keeping it natural and heartfelt is a great way to go. You don’t have to talk all the time. In fact, we believe that modelling faith can be even stronger – teaching children through our actions and behaviour. Toddlers will often learn the movements of salat very early. They will celebrate Ramadan with us, picking up on the anticipation and joy; share the experience with them and get them involved in the fun parts. This way children won’t feel any pressure, which sometimes leads to negative feelings.
Learning about the Five Pillars
They’re called pillars for a reason – so how about building a house with five pillars using lego, duplo, or cardboard tubes? Thinking about the pillars in this way is helpful when you’re explaining why they’re important. Talk about the pillars in simple terms. Your toddler won’t need a lesson on the technical details of Zakat, but they can start to learn about kindness towards the less privileged; when they’re older they could help you decide how to allocate your giving. In our house we keep a Sadaqah jar in the kitchen (decorated by one of the kids) and fill it with change to give to the needy. Remember that you are a role model: your kids will learn by copying you, so seek opportunities to mention or even demonstrate the five pillars in everyday life!
Five Pillars
We wrote this book because we wanted to share the pillars with our children, but they didn’t want to sit and listen. Our book reveals the Five Pillars in a fun and vibrant tale: there’s a mouse breaking his fast with a big piece of cake, a fox getting ready to visit the mosque, and a llama farmer who’s in need of Zakat. It’s a brilliant and simple way to introduce your children to the five pillars with minimal resistance. With your child as the star, this book is irresistible – it’s practical and adventurous, and bound to become a popular bedtime choice.
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